Rio Grande River

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The Rio Grande river is one of the most known rivers in the world. It is seen becasue of its beauty and thosands of people see it every year. It is known in Mexico as the Río Bravo del Norte or simply the Río Bravo, is one of the principal rivers (along with the Colorado River) in the United States and in northern Mexico. The length of the Rio Grande is 1,896 miles. It originates in south-central Colorado, in the United States, and flows to the Gulf of Mexico.

The Rio grande has many differnt hiking trails showing off the many differnt views and places in the Rio Grande River. El Yunque National Forest has a beautiful hike that goes on for a quick 1.5 hike that sees all of Rio Grandes Beauty. It is #1 best hikes in serveral main websites. After the hike you can go to several different snack shops to get a bite to eat, a fruit or anything like that.